font_designer: Jeff Levine

Jobseeker JNL

Jobseeker JNL font

At one time or another, everyone has filled out a job application. Jobseeker JNL emulates a hand-printed alphabet and numerals as one would find on such forms, but it is also useful for any...

Mechanized JNL

Mechanized JNL font

Mechanized JNL is a solid interpretation of Jeff Levine’s stencil font Trencher JNL. Both fonts were based on a photo of hand-cut stencils found on a 1940’s trenching machine in the collection of the...

Roundpoint Pen JNL

Roundpoint Pen JNL font

Roundpoint Pen JNL is based on instructional lettering found in an old Speedball® Pen textbook. The effect of a round nib pen letter evokes the charm of the 1920s or 1930s.

Sign Project JNL

Sign Project JNL font

Sign Project JNL is based on vintage water-applied decals once made by the Meyercord Decal Company of Chicago (and later Carol Stream), Illinois. These decals were popular during the 1950s and 1960s for window...

Drawing Tablet JNL

Drawing Tablet JNL font

Drawing Tablet JNL was created based on those two words hand-lettered on the cover of a sketch pad from the late 40s – early 50s. It is reminiscent of the popular Deco typefaces of...

Inkpad Letters JNL

Inkpad Letters JNL font

Inkpad Letters JNL joins a number of fonts that were reproduced by Jeff Levine from inked impressions of various rubber stamp printing sets.

Movie Night JNL

Movie Night JNL font

Movie Night JNL was modeled from one of a number of ceramic home movie titling kits on the market that were popular during the 1950s and 1960s. The camera buff would set up the...

Price Tags JNL

Price Tags JNL font

Price Tags JNL is a multi-use dingbat font. Along with over twenty nostalgic price tags, there is a set of individual numbers [1 thru 0 keys] and number pairs [A-T and a-i keys] for...

Big Band JNL

Big Band JNL font

Big Band JNL is a classic Art Deco typeface in every sense of the word. Large, bold and innovative in its sectional construction, the font is based on a lettering example found in a...

Brushmark JNL

Brushmark JNL font

A 1940s edition of the Speedball® Lettering Pen instruction book yielded the design that Brushmark JNL is based on. This lettering also lends itself to projects with tropical or jungle themes.