font_designer: Morris Benton

News Gothic

News Gothic font

The standard American sanserif of the first two thirds of the twentieth century, prepared for ATF by Morris Fuller Benton in 1908 under the name News Gothic, with a matching lightface known as Lightline...


Linotext font

Linotext was designed by Morris Fuller Benton in 1901 and first appeared with the name Wedding Text with American Type Founders in Jersey City, where its metal forms were cut by hand. The font...


LinoScript font

Linoscript was designed in 1905 by Morris Fuller Benton and displays the strong stroke contrasts of broken letter and the flowing quality of handwriting fonts of the 17th and 18th centuries. The font suggests...


Hobo font

Morris Fuller Benton’s 1910 contribution to the Art Nouveau sanserif, designed for ATF, with all descenders eliminated to encourage combinations of this typeface with other shapes.

Garamond 3

Garamond 3 font

Some of the most popular typefaces in history are those based on the types of the sixteenth-century printer, publisher, and type designer Claude Garamond, whose sixteenth-century types were modeled on those of Venetian printers...

ITC Franklin Gothic

ITC Franklin Gothic font

The ITC Franklin Gothic™ family embodies true American grit: it’s square-jawed and strong-armed, yet soft-spoken. If Bruce Springsteen were a typeface, he would be ITC Franklin Gothic. The family suite of typefaces is large...

Franklin Gothic

Franklin Gothic font

Produced by ATF in 1904, Morris Fuller Benton’s personal version of the heavy sanserifs first made popular by Vincent Figgins in 1830. Franklin Gothic remains popular after over a hundred years of use.

Clearface Gothic

Clearface Gothic font

Clearface Gothic was designed by Morris Fuller Benton for American Typefounders. The design was released between 1907 and 1910 for text and display use. Since then, many variations have been released. An interesting typeface,...

Century Old Style

Century Old Style font

Morris Fuller Benton designed Century Oldstyle between 1908 and 1909. The design echoes the proportions of Century Expanded with its fairly large x-height, short ascenders and descenders, and large capitals, but Century Oldstyle has...


Bulmer font

Morris Fuller Benton’s ATF version of Baskerville’s design cut by William Martin for the British printer and publisher William Bulmer. ATF released the design in 1928.