font_designer: Nick Cooke

Chevin Pro

Chevin Pro font

Chevin is a contemporary rounded type family in 6 weights which was designed with functionality and legibility in mind. With its open counters and slightly condensed style, Chevin can be used for text and...


Rollerscript font

Rollerscript is, in effect, a more modern version of Olicana whose letterforms were drafted using a nibbed pen and ink. Handwriting tends to change depending on what instrument you’re using and with Rollerscript the...

Houschka Rounded Alt

Houschka Rounded Alt font

Houschka Rounded Alt is a carbon copy of the Houschka Rounded family with one key difference: the rounded signature glyphs A & W on the default positions swap places with their straight alternates. Houschka...

Precious Sans Two

Precious Sans Two font

Precious Sans Two is a complete reworking of the 2002 design which was only ever available in PostScript format. Over a decade later G-Type’s Nick Cooke decided to re-appraise the typeface, scrutinise the old...