font_designer: Oswald Cooper

Oz Handicraft BT

Oz Handicraft BT font

The Oz Handicraft™ family celebrates an unknown side of Oswald Cooper’s work. Best known for his seminal Cooper Black™ typeface, Cooper also designed several other typefaces. None, however, were sans serif designs. (He didn’t...

Cooper Old Style

Cooper Old Style font

Cooper Black EF

Cooper Black EF font

Cooper BT

Cooper BT font

Cooper Black, commissioned by Barnhart Brothers & Spindler, is the best known of Oswald Cooper’s typefaces. Bitstream has expanded the 1921 original into a complete series of round-edged text faces.

Cooper Black SH

Cooper Black SH font

Since the release of these fonts most typefaces in the Scangraphic Type Collection appear in two versions. One is designed specifically for headline typesetting (SH: Scangraphic Headline Types) and one specifically for text typesetting...

Cooper Black SB

Cooper Black SB font

Since the release of these fonts most typefaces in the Scangraphic Type Collection appear in two versions. One is designed specifically for headline typesetting (SH: Scangraphic Headline Types) and one specifically for text typesetting...

Packard Patrician NF

Packard Patrician NF font

Here’s a new take on the hand-lettered alphabet Oswald Bruce Cooper used in ads for the Packard Motor Company, later converted into a metal typeface by the Barnhard Brothers & Spindler foundry. This version...


Cooper font

Cooper Black is a very heavy version of Cooper Oldstyle (also known simply as Cooper), an innovative typeface with rounded serifs and long ascenders designed in 1919. The Cooper family was the work of...

Cooper Poster

Cooper Poster font

Cooper Poster was inspired by showcard lettering samples featured in the book, Commercial Art Of Show Card Lettering, published in 1945. Although named “”Western””, the design was modeled after Ozwald Cooper’s 1921 original Cooper...

Umbriago NF

Umbriago NF font

No mystery here: this typeface is based on the not-often-seen Cooper Black Swash Italic, designed by Oswald Bruce Cooper. Swash variants are the norm with this font, but enabling Contextual Alternates will prevent collisions...