font_designer: Ross George

Hacky Sack NF

Hacky Sack NF font

Ross George in his numerous Speedball chapbooks called the pattern for this typeface Stunt Roman. A studious observer may discern that many of the wackier letterforms were tamed to produce the popular font University...

Cactus Flower SG

Cactus Flower SG font

Cactus majestically blooming in the desert is truly a wondrous event! As the landscape cools, nature blossoms into a beautiful rainbow of colors. These same harmonies and contours, plus a dash of ruggedness and...

By George Titling NF

By George Titling NF font

By the time that the 13th edition of the Speedball Text Book appeared in 1938, silent movies were a thing of the past; nonetheless, intrepid author Ross F. George included this typeface, originally intended...


Sunamy font

Beware The Neighbors

Beware The Neighbors font

Beware The Neighbors is based on “Personality Script”, a rough alphabet originally drawn by Ross F. George, and published in one of the Speedball series of lettering catalogs that ran from 1935 to 1948....

Speedball Metropolitan Caps

Speedball Metropolitan Caps font

a decorative caps font based in designs of old Speedball booklets


Clarvoyant font

Based on “Rough” lettering, by Ross F. George

Nellie Kay NF

Nellie Kay NF font

It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing, and it’s easy to get into the swing of things with this bouncy little number, based on another offering by the irrepressible Ross...

Blue Jay Way NF

Blue Jay Way NF font

“Modern Caps”—and lowercase, too—was how Ross George described the pattern for this typeface in his Speedball Text Book. Not surprisingly, the design was used on the Beatles’ original Magical Mystery Tour album, which suggested...