font_designer: Sultan Maqtari

SF Article

SF Article font

About Sf Article font family:Sf Article is An Arabic and Latin typeface for desktop applications ,for websites, and for digital ads. The main types of Sf Article font family weight are regular and bold.The regular...


Aden font

Aden is An Arabic typeface for desktop applications.Aden is Modern typeface style. The font comes in two styles: normal and bold.The design is open, calligraphic, and very dynamic. This makes it suitable for large...

Sultan Nizar Pro

Sultan Nizar Pro font

In 2014 I designed the Nizar font here was prompted with great interest by graphic designers, today I am developing the Nizar Pro font, this font does not replace the previous Nizar font but…

SF Change Pro

SF Change Pro font

Change is An Arabic and Latin text typeface for desktop applications. This Font Family development and extension of the Old sultan font “change”Here you will find a change in many letters, along with two...

SF Manchit

SF Manchit font

Manchit is a typeface dedicated to headlines in newspapers, magazines, advertisement banners, book covers and other printing products, and fits headlines on web pages.The Manchit font contains two styles (regular and bold) suitable for...

SF Pumice

SF Pumice font

Pumice is a modern sans-serif typeface with characteristic and defined features. This font Name was inspired by the Aden pumice. Its design is composed of diverse 8 styles.Create unique designs by combining any of...

SF Droob7

SF Droob7 font

Droob7 is An Arabic typeface for desktop applications, for websites and for digital ads. Currently prepared by the weight one has the alignment between the Arabic and Latin letters to serve the articles sites...

SF Change

SF Change font

Change is An Arabic text typeface for desktop applications. Change is freestyle Ruqah and a winner in Horouf Bilingual Typefaces Design Competition. The design is open, calligraphic, and very dynamic. This makes it suitable...

SF Marwa

SF Marwa font

Marwa is An Arabic typeface for Print And screen. This font family is from Kufi style and contains 3 weights: Regular, Medium and bold. Marwa is simple and a little detailed font and its...

SF Mada

SF Mada font

Mada is An Arabic typeface for desktop applications, for websites, and for digital ads. Mada font family contains two weights: regular and bold. The font includes a design that supports Arabic and Latin languages....