font_foundry: Alias


August font

Almost a straightened italic typeface, August explores the idea of taking italic and script letterforms out of context and creating a typeface with a mix of references that does not look like too soft...


Civility font

A script typeface drawn with a ball point pen, beautiful but idiosyncratic, distinctively modern rather than classical, writing rather than calligraphy.


Elephant font

A contemporary interpretation of grotesque (historic) typestyle, relying on geometric shapes applied to a grid. Idiosyncrasies within the typeface are based on how this grid is constructed and applied rather than those inherent in...


AES font

The letterforms in AES are constructed from shapes echoing three dimensional structures and architectural elements, a series of shapes working together – shapes making letters (bigger shapes) making words (bigger shapes) etc.


Lily font

As with all our typefaces, we are searching for a point of difference, something that separates them from their surroundings. The idea of a seriffed script typeface is interesting, as the two are very...


Oban font

Originally drawn as a rebranding proposal for a fashion house, Oban takes inspiration from Thorowgood types and from sample books of wood cut fonts from the late nineteenth century, with their spirited and expressive,...


Ano font

A typeface designed for Another Man magazine. A simple geometric, monoline framework allowed for a stylistic consistency over three variations. Regular – a ‘standard’ alphabet; Upper Lower – where upper case characters are replaced...


Cactus font

A compressed, subtly eclectic typeface. 


Asphalt font

Asperity, Asphalt and Aspic, were designed for Another magazine issues 18 and 19, A typeface in three versions, Hard, Soft and Script, three typefaces with the same character shape, where hard is angular, Soft...

Progress Two

Progress Two font