font_foundry: Berthold

Berthold Caslon Book

Berthold Caslon Book font

Prior to designing Berthold Caslon Book, Günter Gerhard Lange intensively researched both the English type founder William Caslon’s 1725 types, and the Dutch forerunners of the 17th century upon which Caslon based his work....


Catull font

Created for Berthold in 1982 by German designer Gustav Jaeger, Catull has a calligraphic feel with contrasting stroke weights and distinctive serifs. It is an eye-catching choice for both text and display applications. Catull...

Berthold Bodoni Old Face W1G

Berthold Bodoni Old Face W1G font

Günter Gerhard Lange extensively researched and analyzed numerous original Bodoni prints when creating Berthold Bodoni Old Face. As with all of Lange’s typefaces, he adapted this new Bodoni to meet the demands of today’s...


Boton font

Designed by Albert Boton of France, H. Berthold released the Boton family in 1986. This design is often used for ad copy, and magazine and web layouts. The heavier weights of Boton are useful...

Berthold Bodoni Old Face

Berthold Bodoni Old Face font

Günter Gerhard Lange extensively researched and analyzed numerous original Bodoni prints when creating Berthold Bodoni Old Face. As with all of Lange’s typefaces, he adapted this new Bodoni to meet the demands of today’s...

Berliner Grotesk

Berliner Grotesk font

Based on Berthold’s 1913 Berliner designed by Hausschnitt, Erik Spiekermann redesigned and digitized the typeface for the foundry. H. Berthold published Berliner Grotesk in 1979. This distinctive design with a high x-height, short descenders...


Berthold-Script font

Günter Gerhard Lange designed Berthold-Script in 1977.


Bellevue font

Gustav Jaeger designed Bellevue, which H. Berthold published in 1986.

Berthold Baskerville Book

Berthold Baskerville Book font

When designing Berthold Baskerville Book, Günter Gerhard Lange analyzed and compared John Baskerville’s original type (1752–1757) and countless cuts based on the original design. Lange’s interpretation also took into account today’s printing and…

Akzidenz-Grotesk W1G

Akzidenz-Grotesk W1G font

Berthold first published Akzidenz-Grotesk in 1896. The design originates from Royal Grotesk light by Ferdinand Theinhardt who also supplied the regular, medium and bold weights. Throughout the years, Berthold has expanded this extremely popular...