font_foundry: Breauhare

Dime Store

Dime Store font

Dime Store is a font inspired by childhood memories of dime stores in downtowns and shopping malls in the 1970s. The font was tweaked and digitized by Bob Alonso, who also digitized Breauhare’s Cooper...

Cooper Goodtime

Cooper Goodtime font

Cooper Goodtime is a font based on the lettering used on the CBS-TV variety series The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour (1969-1972). The name pays tribute to its two origins, the other being Cooper Black....

Happy Trails

Happy Trails font

Happy Trails is a font that is based on the lettering (all upper case) used on most Trailways buses from 1936 through the very early 1960s. It also has a newly created set of...

My Left Hand

My Left Hand font

My Left Hand is exactly what it is…well, not my actual flesh-and-blood left hand but my actual handwriting, and I know that it really is My Left Hand because people tell me all the...

Minnesota Plaid

Minnesota Plaid font

Minnesota Plaid is the baddest plaid ever! It may not be the choice pattern for golfers’ slacks or bagpipers’ kilts, but it has a City-like flavor with its own twist, a stylish ruggedness &...

Neon Bugler Squared

Neon Bugler Squared font

Neon Bugler Squared is a soft, boxy version of Neon Bugler, which is a font based on the third logo created by Harry Warren in early 1975 for his sixth grade class newsletter, The...

Bauhaus Bugler

Bauhaus Bugler font

Bauhaus Bugler’s design never appeared in Harry Warren’s 6th grade class newsletter The Broadwater Bugler but its design came about during that same period in 1975. Because of this, it has been officially designated...

Fast Food

Fast Food font

Fast Food is a font based on the former (and now revived) logo of a hamburger chain. It has that look of the 1970s & 1980s, yet also has a futuristic, alienesque, sci-fi look...

Bauhaus Bugler Soft

Bauhaus Bugler Soft font

Take Bauhaus Bugler, dip it in chocolate, and what do you get? Bauhaus Bugler Soft, of course! Or dip it in butter! You can achieve all sorts of yummy, appealing images with the softness...