font_foundry: CarnokyType

Zin Display

Zin Display font

Zin Display is a contemporary typeface designed for various situations of typographic usage. Characteristic feature is a large x-height and balance between neutral construction of letters (strictly vertical axis), dynamic open forms (opened…

Zin Serif

Zin Serif font

Zin Serif is a contemporary typeface designed for various situations of typographic usage. Characteristic feature is a large x-height and balance between neutral construction of letters (strictly vertical axis) and dynamic open forms (opened…


Normatica font

Normatica is a neutral typeface inspired by advertising letters used as letterings on shop windows during period of Normalization (the 60s–90s) in former Czechoslovakia. The complete font family consist of 24 styles in 6...

Zin Slab

Zin Slab font

Zin Slab is a contemporary slab-serif typeface designed for various situations of typographic usage. Characteristic feature is a large x-height and balans between neutral construction of letters (strictly vertical axis) and dynamic open forms…

Zin Sans

Zin Sans font

Zin Sans is a contemporary sans-serif typeface designed for various situations of typographic usage. Characteristic feature is a large x-height and balance between neutral construction of letters (strictly vertical axis) and dynamic open forms…


Inka font

Inka is the name by which the closest-ones called my partner. Inka is also the name of a text typeface – in its form very friendly and welcoming. The same way as relationships develop...

Leco 1976

Leco 1976 font

LECO 1976 is a headline display typeface in OpenType format. The title at the 1976 bottle of Lečo became an inspiration for creating this font. Besides the regular weight of the font, the font...


Arcus font

Arcus OpenType is a geometrically constructed font. The grounding principle is the round curve. The homogeneous character of this font is guaranteed by using this principle not only in drawings of particular letters but...

Leco 1983

Leco 1983 font

LECO 1983 is a headline display OpenType typeface with its three styles: LECO 1983: regular LECO 1983 Blind: without interiors of signs LECO 1983 Negative: in its inverse form. The inspiration for creating this...

Leco 1988

Leco 1988 font

The typeface LECO 1988 is another font family which belongs to LECO set. It is a display typeface, which is inspired by the title written on the bottle of lečo from 1988. Its typical...