font_foundry: Device


Pitshanger font

Pitshanger is loosely derived from a shop sign in Limogues, France.


Radiogram font

Radiogram, pure digital bakelite, can be layered – the solid variant can be placed under the striped version to create two-tone effects.

Rogue Sans

Rogue Sans font

Recently the Rogue family was designed as an accompaniment to Paralucent for Loaded, London’s notorious lads-mag that had found its design being cloned by the competition and sought something unique to set it apart.

Rogue Serif

Rogue Serif font

Recently the Rogue family was designed as an accompaniment to Paralucent for Loaded, London’s notorious lads-mag that had found its design being cloned by the competition and sought something unique to set it apart.


Payload font

Payload began as an early concept for Loaded magazine, and here is developed into a clean outline and rough splattery spraycan version. In this font, the upper and lower case characters are subtly different...


Miserichordia font

Miserichordia evolved from photographs taken on a trip to Venice and instigated a sharp turn left into more idiosyncratic and decorative serif fonts. Something of a new direction for Device.


Monitor font

Monitor is an early experiment in TV-wall pixeldom, and has the unique property of becoming easier to read the further away one gets.


Moonstone font

Moonstone is for all those misunderstood goth Buffy fans. This font contains alternative versions that enable customisation of headlines and are intended to be freely mixed in one setting.

Outlander Nova

Outlander Nova font

Outlander Nova is a reworking of Outlander, and adds uppercase characters in addition to the previously available unicase versions. This new version also provides italics for the first time.


Galaxie font