font_foundry: FontHaus

Tutu One

Tutu One font


Stadion font

Tata One

Tata One font

Tata One designed by Ann Pomeroy is a Square Sans Serif and an ideal web font for display type.


Keynote font

Bubba Bold

Bubba Bold font

Pep Rally

Pep Rally font


Flywheel font

Flywheel is a geometric sans serif typeface for titling and display. The font family is made up of three sets; Regular, Square, and Condensed. Each set includes Regular, Thin and Fat weights. The design...


Sitcom font


Aries font

In 1995, FontHaus came upon a rare opportunity to create a revival of Aries, a little known and previously unavailable typeface designed by the legendary Eric Gill in 1931. Discovering a lost typeface by...


Laughin font