font_foundry: Funk King

Rounded Keys

Rounded Keys font

Rounded Keys is a type font with a smooth, modern feel.

Digital Biz Bitz

Digital Biz Bitz font

Digital Biz Bitz is a family of fonts and fontbats designed for use in business learning. Use these elements to enhance the learning experience you create.


Vibration font

Vibration is a modular font. Use it to give energy to your designs.


Receipt font

Receipt is a composite font. Each glyph is composed of either the dollar or cent sign.


Alouette font

Alouette is a graceful modular script font. Evocative of the mysterious, southern charm of New Orleans.

Edgar Fernhout

Edgar Fernhout font

Edgar Fernhout is a font inspired by the Edgar Fernhout cover designer by the great typographer and designer, Wim Crouwel.


Lyrical font

Lyrical is a dot script font. The uppercase is more fanciful.

Vibration MF

Vibration MF font

Vibration MF is the more-funk version of Vibration. This version provides even more energy and excitement.

Q Typ

Q Typ font

Q Typ is a quirky little fun font inspired by those lovely cotton sticks.

Stained Glass

Stained Glass font

Stained Glass can be used to created multi-layted effects reminiscent of stained glass.