font_foundry: GLC

1791 Constitution

1791 Constitution font

In the year 1791, the 20th of June, the king of France Louis XVI attempted to flight from Paris to the Luxembourg. He was intercepted on the road and taked to Paris again on...

1545 Faucheur

1545 Faucheur font

This family was inspired by the set of fonts used in Paris by Ponce Rosset, aka “Faucheur” to print the account of the second voyage to Canada by Jacques Cartier, first edition, in 1545....

1715 Jonathan Swift

1715 Jonathan Swift font

The famous Irish poet and novelist Jonathan Swift (Dublin 1667-1745) has a large personal library of which he noticed carefully the book list by himself. We have used a facsimile from this catalogue to...

1871 Victor Hugo

1871 Victor Hugo font

The famous French poet and novelist Victor Hugo (1802-1885) used several handwriting styles, sometimes almost illegible. His manuscripts designated to be published was written using a script style, to be legible clearly. We have...

1584 Pragmatica Lima

1584 Pragmatica Lima font

This family was created from the set of font faces used in Lima (Peru) by Antonio Ricardo in 1584 for the first publication ever printed in Southern America: a four-page leaflet in Spanish entitled...

1676 Morden Map

1676 Morden Map font

This family was created — inspired from the engraved typeface (Two styles : Normal & Italic) used in the pack of 52 playing cards who was describing the 52 counties forming a small Atlas...

2011 Slimtype

2011 Slimtype font

This light manual font, with two styles, is a looking like slab serif or typewriter pattern. It is containing Western and Northern European, Icelandic, Baltic, Eastern, Central European and Turquish specific characters, plus old...

1522 Vicentino

1522 Vicentino font

This font is mainly inspired from the engraved characters of the small book known as “Operina”, or “The method and rules for writing cursive letters or chancery script” from the famous calligrapher Ludovico Vicentino...

1726 Real Española

1726 Real Española font

This family was inspired from the set of fontfaces used by Francisco Del Hierro, to print in 1726 the first Spanish language Dictionary from the Spanish Royal Academy (Real Academia Española, Diccionario de Autoridades)....

1871 Dreamer 2 Pro

1871 Dreamer 2 Pro font

Like our first “1871 Dreamer Script” this script font was inspired from a lot of manuscripts, notes and drafts, written by the famous american poet Walt Whitman. However, it is a very different font,...