font_foundry: HiH

Sunshine Group

Sunshine Group font

The Sunshine Group is a series of four closely related fonts that combine a visual rendition of a bright noonday sun with Page No. 508, a wood type designed by William Hamilton Page of...

Rodchenko Constructed ML

Rodchenko Constructed ML font

RODCHENKO CONSTRUCTED ML and RODCHENKO GROTESK ML One of the most creative minds in the modern Russian avant garde, Aleksandr Rodchenko was one of the leaders of Constructivism during the 1920s. Herbert Spencer includes...

Cruickshank ML

Cruickshank ML font

Cruickshank is a decorative typeface from the late Victorian period. The upper case includes several letters with swash strokes, extending well below the baseline, as found in the original design. Alternatives to the swash...

Habana Deco ML

Habana Deco ML font

Habana Deco ML was inspired by a hand-lettered sign on the stucco exterior of a small pharmacy in modern-day city of Havana, Cuba. It, in turn, was based on the fat-faced Art Deco lettering...