font_foundry: Hoefler & Co.


Cyclone font

Cyclone is a compact inline that can be edgy or earnest.


Decimal font

Nearly all wristwatches once shared a distinctive form of lettering. It was confident, and timeless, and it’s almost completely vanished. Decimal examines this style, and explores the things that shaped it, to create a...

Chronicle SSm

Chronicle SSm font

A vigorous hybrid of time-honored forms and contemporary design strategies, Chronicle Display (a suite of headline faces) and Chronicle Text (a suite of text faces) bring strength and utility to the classic serif.

Chronicle Office

Chronicle Office font

A vigorous hybrid of time-honored forms and contemporary design strategies, Chronicle Display (a suite of headline faces) and Chronicle Text (a suite of text faces) bring strength and utility to the classic serif.

Champion Gothic

Champion Gothic font

Bucking the traditional arrangement of condensed, normal and wide, Champion Gothic uses a nineteenth century idea to help solve a twenty-first century problem.


Chronicle font

A vigorous hybrid of time-honored forms and contemporary design strategies, Chronicle Display (a suite of headline faces) and Chronicle Text (a suite of text faces) bring strength and utility to the classic serif.


Nitro font

Most type families begin with a roman font of moderate weight, and build outwards toward their peripheral bolds and italics. Nitro starts from the extreme — an aggressively sloped italic of massive weight —...

Hoefler Text

Hoefler Text font

Steeped in the virtues of classical typography, Hoefler Text is a comprehensive family of typefaces from the dawn of the digital age.

Fell Type

Fell Type font