font_foundry: ITC

ITC Giovanni

ITC Giovanni font

ITC Goudy Sans

ITC Goudy Sans font

ITC Garamond

ITC Garamond font

Drawn by Tony Stan, ITC Garamond was first released in 1975 in Book and Ultra weights only. These were intended as display faces to complement existing text designs from other foundries. (In fact, many...

ITC Galliard

ITC Galliard font

Galliard was originally designed for Mergenthaler Linotype in 1978 as a photocomposition typeface. It is modeled on the work of Robert Granjon, a sixteenth-century punchcutter whose typefaces are renowned for their beauty and legibility....

Freestyle Script

Freestyle Script font

ITC Franklin Gothic

ITC Franklin Gothic font

The ITC Franklin Gothic™ family embodies true American grit: it’s square-jawed and strong-armed, yet soft-spoken. If Bruce Springsteen were a typeface, he would be ITC Franklin Gothic. The family suite of typefaces is large...

ITC Fenice

ITC Fenice font

ITC Eras

ITC Eras font

ITC Esprit

ITC Esprit font

ITC Cushing

ITC Cushing font