font_foundry: Janworx


Gears font

Gears, designed by Janet Valdez of Janworx, was inspired by the popularity of steampunk artwork, for which gears and levers are a defining element. Gears is a single bold typeface, incorporating gears and levers...

JWX Zebra

JWX Zebra font

Zebra, designed by Janet Valdez of Janworx, is a bold sans serif typeface, heavy on one side, and sporting a realistic zebra animal theme. Both upper and lower case are all caps. Incorporating the...

JWX Memo

JWX Memo font

Memo, designed by Janet Valdez of Janworx, is a digital version of her own personal penmanship, currently displayed in abundance on sticky notes all over her desk and monitor. Although its basis is in...

JWX Twisted Star

JWX Twisted Star font

Being a Star is one thing, but being a Twisted one is even better! JWX Twisted Star incorporates your deep desire for stardom into each alpha and numeric glyph, in a bold bordered font....

JWX Western

JWX Western font

The term Old West conjures up memories of vintage movies and TV shows featuring saloons and dancehall girls. Old wanted posters and cowboys. Rowdy prospectors in the Goldrush, mountains and lots of wide open...