font_foundry: Jeff Levine

Stove Plate JNL

Stove Plate JNL font

An old printer’s advertising cut for Red Star Oil Stoves yielded a typeface that was both vintage and somewhat techno at the same time. Originally drawn as a slanted logo, the individual letters had...

Streeter JNL

Streeter JNL font

Streeter JNL is an all caps titling font based on the classic Beton Bold Condensed typeface. The Beton family of fonts was a printer’s favorite for decades.

Print Art JNL

Print Art JNL font

Borders, embellishments, spot illustrations and a miscellany of other dingbats are gathered in Print Art JNL as another collective of nostalgic imagery for print and web projects.

Print Assistants JNL

Print Assistants JNL font

For those who can’t get enough of the wonderful illustrations, embellishments and dingbats of days gone by, Print Assistants JNL collects more of them in one handy font file.

Sleuth JNL

Sleuth JNL font

The movie trailer for the1936 film “After the Thin Man” is filled with text lettered in this classic Art Deco condensed typeface. Sleuth JNL seems the appropriate name for this digital revival, as the...

Double Bill JNL

Double Bill JNL font

Double Bill JNL gets its inspiration from the promotional movie trailer for 1938’s gangster comedy “A Slight Case of Murder” starring Edward G. Robinson.

Halliday JNL

Halliday JNL font

Halliday JNL was redrawn from impressions made by a rubber stamp sign printing set, thus providing the slight imperfection of line widths that gives a hand-made approach to the typeface. The lettering style is...

Nature Stencils JNL

Nature Stencils JNL font

Nature Stencils JNL brings together a number of vintage decorator stencils with bird and flower motifs (along with individualized elements from the original designs). These home decor stencils were manufactured by the Huntington Oil...

Rancher JNL

Rancher JNL font

Rancher JNL was inspired by classic wood type. This wide, slab serif typeface is reminiscent of wanted posters, broadsides and other printed matter from the 1800s.

Stencil Maker JNL

Stencil Maker JNL font

The type design which inspired Stencil Maker JNL comes from a 1920s-era machine used in movie theaters of the day. It rendered tiny punched out letters (some characters solid and some in stencil form),...