font_foundry: Kimberly Geswein

KG I Want Crazy

KG I Want Crazy font

The handwriting of a teenager- cute, quirky, and fun!

KG Flavor And Frames Two

KG Flavor And Frames Two font

Frames and borders of various types. Also includes comic style quotation bubbles.

KG Traditional Fractions

KG Traditional Fractions font

Traditional style fractions for teachers. Includes 1/2 through 16/16 in 2 fonts. Also includes PDF maps to help you locate the glyphs you need. Test-taking bubbles are also included. Comparison circles also included.

KG Flavor And Frames Three

KG Flavor And Frames Three font

Frames and borders of various types. Also includes a series of words perfect for accenting Instagram photos.

KG Second Chances

KG Second Chances font

Hand sketched lettering in a chalkboard, Pinterest inspired style.

KG Math Bar Models

KG Math Bar Models font

This font was created specifically for educators and parents who are using the bar model method of teaching math word problems to children… This font easily creates standard bar models in a variety of...

KG Alphabet Regurgitation

KG Alphabet Regurgitation font

Fun, mixed, jumbled lettering in a variety of styles.

KG Flavor And Frames Four

KG Flavor And Frames Four font

Fun frames and borders in a variety of styles. Note that the pennants can be typed in 2 lengths– typing abab gives you a continuous pennant border. This works for all of the pennant...

KG Love Somebody

KG Love Somebody font

Upright, neat, and legible teen handwriting.

KG Next To Me

KG Next To Me font

Hand sketched lettering in a chalkboard, Pinterest inspired style.