font_foundry: Lanston Type Co.

LTC Village

LTC Village font

Village was originally designed by Frederic Goudy in 1903 for Kuppenheimer & Company for advertising use, but it was decided it would be too expensive to cast. It was later adopted as the house...

LTC Bixler Ornaments

LTC Bixler Ornaments font

LTC Bixler Ornaments One includes all designs found in the metal Bixler Type Handypacks #1–6 from P22 that were created using actual Lanston mats to cast these metal type sets. The 14 designs found...

LTC Francis

LTC Francis font

Francis is a design previously offered by the Lanston Type Co. in the early 1990s. It is a revival of a 1955 Günther Gerhard Lange design, but with a heavier overall weight. Coming out...

LTC Winchell

LTC Winchell font

Winchell is the only identified typeface designed in Buffalo, NY prior to the formation of P22 type foundry. It was created by Edward Winchell of the Matthews-Northrup Printing Works and released by the Inland...

LTC Pabst Oldstyle

LTC Pabst Oldstyle font

Frederic W. Goudy originally designed Pabst in 1902. This lettering was used by the Pabst Brewing Company for their promotional materials. It was later developed into type for ATF. Goudy later licensed Pabst Oldstyle...

LTC Spire

LTC Spire font

LTC Spire with alternate caps was designed by Lanston’s type director Sol Hess in 1937. Spire Roman was designed without lowercase. But it includes alternate rounded caps which transform this extra condensed “fat face”...

LTC Goudy Thirty

LTC Goudy Thirty font

LTC Garamont

LTC Garamont font

Frederic Goudy joined Lanston as art advisor in 1920. One of his first initiatives was to design a new version of Garamond based on original Garamond designs of 1540. Goudy intended his free-hand drawings...