font_foundry: Lián Types


Elipses font

It all began with an ellipse. Like an artist who goes from a pictorical logic to a more abstract one, in Elipses geometry is stripped of any distractive or ornamental detail. The font is...


Fabiola font

-Fabulous, beautiful, friendly, talkative, sweet, caring, a little on the odd side, very desirable by many, good at almost everything- That’s the definition of Fabiola according to the slang dictionary of americans. If you...

Hot Script

Hot Script font

Say hello to another of my hot and trendy scripts, Hot Script! I got the inspiration for this one in the world of sign painters. My neighbourhood, and more specifically the avenue were I...

Selfie Neue Rounded

Selfie Neue Rounded font

INTRODUCTIONWhen I started the first Selfie back in 2014 I was aware that I was designing something innovative at some point, because at that time there were not too many, (if any) fonts which...

Reina Neue

Reina Neue font

Hey! See Reina Neue in action here!INTRODUCTIONWhen I designed the first Reina¹ circa 2010, I was at the dawn of my career as a type designer. The S{o}TA, short for the Society of Typographic...

Selfie Neue Sharp

Selfie Neue Sharp font

INTRODUCTIONWhen I started the first Selfie back in 2014 I was aware that I was designing something innovative at some point, because at that time there were not too many, (if any) fonts which...


Preta font

Preta, portuguese for a very pure kind of black, has its name very related to its concept: I wanted to make the fattest/darkest script ever. People who follow my work may notice its forms...


Vinyle font

Bold, rounded and super cool. Those are the attributes of my latest font “Vinyle”, french for vinyl. In this epoque where all fields of Design are giving a lot of importance and attention to...


Posh font

I’ve always been in love with fat didones. That’s the reason of Posh. In search of something unique, I started this family back in 2013 with the aim of creating the fattest yet readable...


Rafaella font

To Rafaella, a menina dos cachos. We, designers, have grown accustomed to seeing that lowercase letters—not only in calligraphy but also in typography (1)—may be very playful and decorative. Almost every part of them...