font_foundry: ParaType

PT Earthquake

PT Earthquake font

Earthquake font was developed for the series of handwriting fonts based on the writing samples of real people. The font delivers natural sincere touch and can magically convert any stupid advertizing text into intimate...

DJ Parade

DJ Parade font

An original display typeface was designed in 2000 by Vladlen Erium for the series of international musical events. A wide Sans of distinctive letterforms with rounded corners is well used in advertising of teenage...


UniOpt font

An experimental font designed by Viktor Kharyk in Op Art style. UniOpt is based on free brush technique similar to experimental lettering of the early decades of the 20th century; for instance to ‘Graficheskaya...


Vermicello font

An original display typeface was designed for ParaType in 2007 by Isabella Chaeva. Informal handwriting shapes of letters are formed by several separate elements — traces of monoline writing tool like broad felt-tipped pen....

Fashion Plate

Fashion Plate font

A set of model sketches was designed by Arevik Shmavonyan in 2007 for ParaType. The font includes pictures of woman fashion dresses designed for real manufacturing. Fashion-plate font may be interesting to modern fashion...


Jaggy font

The script designed for ParaType in 2006 by Isabella Chaeva. Based on informal handwriting, its characters have rough jaggy contours. In small sizes, the face simulates an effect of handwriting by felt pen on...


Katherine font

Script font developed for ParaType in 2007 by Gennady Fridman based on informal handwriting. The handwriting belongs to a woman of middle class that have found her place in the life and does not...


Susan font

An original text and display type family was designed for ParaType in 2007 by Manvel Shmavonyan. The face was named after the designer’s wife. This is an open sans serif font with soft letterforms...

Blonde Fraktur

Blonde Fraktur font

Blonde Fraktur is a free interpretation of the Gothic theme in Cyrillic. The font is neither Fraktur nor any other Gothic script from the formal point of view, but it makes text look like...


Colmena font

Colmena (means Beehive in Spanish) features soft viscous shapes and high contrast that resemble bees and honey. The font was entered into TypeArt Contest in 2005 under the name “FD_Harvey”. Suitable for display purposes...