font_foundry: Positype


Dumpling font

To get right to the point, Dumpling was drawn, digitized and mastered by an 18-year old over a semester-long Senior Concentration in Graphic Design at the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts. Seriously,...


Lust font

Lust’s original masters were completely redrawn, expanded, with a new optical size added based on customer requests. Lust now sports 6 fonts, instead of the original 4: Standard, Display, Fine, and complementing Italics. The...


Anago font

Anago shares the same DNA as its sibling Macha, but is a completely different species than the former or any of my other sans serifs (Aaux Next, Air, Akagi Pro or Wasabi). Soft, ample...


Macha font

Macha shares the same DNA as its sibling Anago, but is a completely different species than the former or any of my other sans serifs (Aaux Next, Air, Akagi Pro or Wasabi). It’s no-nonsense...


Shameless font

I will spare you the long-winded description this time and all of the motivations and witty innuendoes. Quite frankly, I forgot about creating this typeface and it sat on my hard drive for almost...

Lust Script

Lust Script font

Boom. You asked for more, um, well just ‘more’—more swashes, more options, more weights, more of everything. I cannot give you more weights. The design just won’t allow it and anything else would be...

Clear Sans

Clear Sans font

Clear Sans™ is a… wait for it… rational geometric sans serif. It is intended to fill a niche… to provide an alternative to the somewhat based-on-vernacular signage, somewhat geometric sans. I hear the word...

Clear Sans Text

Clear Sans Text font

Clear Sans™ is a… wait for it… rational geometric sans serif. It is intended to fill a niche… to provide an alternative to the somewhat based-on-vernacular signage, somewhat geometric sans. I hear the word...

Clear Sans Screen

Clear Sans Screen font

Clear Sans™ is a… wait for it… rational geometric sans serif. It is intended to fill a niche… to provide an alternative to the somewhat based-on-vernacular signage, somewhat geometric sans. I hear the word...

Lust Slim

Lust Slim font

Check out the new Lust Pro & Lust Pro Didone to see how the series has grown and evolved. Confident and versatile, Lust is an exercise in indulgence—an attempt to create something over the...