font_foundry: Runic World Tamgacı

Ongunkan Irk Bitig Viking

Ongunkan Irk Bitig Viking font

This is the Viking font that I developed based on the letters in the Irk Bitig book, which is written with the brush line of the old Turkish runic alphabet, the information below. It...

Ongunkan Proto Bulgarian Runic

Ongunkan Proto Bulgarian Runic font

Kъnig – the old Bulgar runesThe writing kъnig emerged in the places of ancient Thraco-Bulgarian migrations in ante-deluvial times and developed in stages paralleling the other ancient writings. There have been many interactions and...

Ongunkan Wakanda Runic

Ongunkan Wakanda Runic font

Wakandan is an alphabet designed by Hannah Beachler, and used in the 2018 film Black Panther. It is based on Nsibidi symbols. In the film it is used to transliterate English text in the...