font_foundry: Scriptorium


Potsdam font


Praitor font

Praitor is based on a devotional inscription to the goddess Diana found a short distance from Rome in 1887. It is an early style from before 100 BC and has some characteristics of Etruscan...


Phaeton font


Phoenician font


Plowright font

Plowright is a new font based on hand lettering from the 1880s. It’s a great example of the style we often associate with signmaking in the old west, with a lot of quirks and...


Pomponianus font

Pomponianus comes from a 4th century inscription found in North Africa. It is an attractive example of early uncial lettering. Uncial inscriptions are quite uncommon, because although the style was well suited for writing...


Perigord font

Perigord has mixed origins. It was inspired by Gutenberg’s capitals and by lettering developed by German designer Ernst Bentele, but its calligraphic antecedents go back to French initials of the Carolingian period. The result...


Patrician font

Peck Initials

Peck Initials font


Perdido font

Perdido is a classic western-style font, with the added twist of the addition of a degenerated wood grain, so that the characters naturally look like aged and cracking wood. With the addition of an...