font_foundry: Spiece Graphics

Birdlegs SG

Birdlegs SG font

Picture a tall, long-legged flamingo fishing casually for food in the Florida Everglades. The young pink bird teeters momentarily and then falls over. You have captured the essence of Birdlegs – leggy, colorful, and...

California Poster SG

California Poster SG font

Known to many eastern artists as the California Poster Letter because it originated in the West, this old 1930s style has reappeared in digital form. Carl Holmes, in his wonderful book on old lettering...

Adonis Old Style SG

Adonis Old Style SG font

Willard T. Sniffin deserves the credit for this charming little stationery and greeting card typeface developed for American Type Founders in 1930. Capital letters show an occasional hint of ornamentation and lowercase letters are...

Aviator SG

Aviator SG font

Aviator, also known as Ventura Slim, is based on an old 1930s lettering style popularized by Carl Holmes in his wonderful book on the subject. Angular and at the same time aerodynamic, this low-waisted...

Bernhard Brushscript SG

Bernhard Brushscript SG font

This extremely heavy informal script was created in the early 1920s by Lucian Bernhard. Like so many of his designs, this typeface has its roots in his earlier poster work. Bernhard Brushscript invokes a...

Frisco Antique Display SG

Frisco Antique Display SG font

Here is a decorative condensed antique design that is sure to fit a variety of contemporary situations. The Bruce Type Foundry (later acquired by V. B. Munson) developed this wonderfully shaded Tuscan in the...

Telepod SG

Telepod SG font

Telepod One is based on an old Speedball lettering style and has a very retro look and feel. Figures and lowercase letters have been added to the original condensed round gothic design. Telepod Two...

Grand Slam SG

Grand Slam SG font

Grand Slam is based on an old cardwriting style known as Poster Gothic. This dynamic letterstyle was used in the heyday of the Hollywood movie poster because of its powerful and snappy appeal. The...

Concerto Rounded SG

Concerto Rounded SG font

Concerto Rounded is based on a 1920s concert program lettered by Lucian Bernhard. In many respects Concerto is a toned-down version of the exceptionally light Bernhard Fashion. Concerto makes use of extensive crossbars and...

Tribunus SG

Tribunus SG font

Warren Chappell was the original designer of this handsome pen-formed roman typeface introduced by the Stempel Foundry in 1939. It was cast in Germany as Trajanus and named after the Roman emperor whose accomplishments...