font_foundry: Typodermic

Numbers With Rings

Numbers With Rings font

Numbers with Rings uses an OpenType system that allows you to generate numbers in rings up to 999999. You can even have ringed letters or letter/digit combinations. If your application supports OpenType ligatures, you...

Strange Alphabets

Strange Alphabets font

Strange Alphabets is a narrow Arts & Crafts display typeface inspired by late nineteenth century book covers and an early 1980s variation of the Siouxsie & the Banshees band logo. Strange Alphabets includes copious...


Recharge font

Recharge is a wide, square, industrial font family. It’s suited for sports, military, space, automotive, electronics and other technological themes. Seven weights give Recharge practical range. Recharge’s capitals blast headlines and the lowercase…

Interrogator Stencil

Interrogator Stencil font

Interrogator Stencil is a military-style headline typeface with crosshair divisions. Its technical style lends your message an assertive accuracy. Most Latin-based European writing systems are supported, including the following languages. Afaan…


Nulshock font

Nulshock is a wide, industrial headliner that delivers your message with a bang. Precise mechanical curves and accurate optical adjustments make Nulshock feel right at home in high tech environments. Nulshock has been fully...