font_foundry: URW Global

Nimbus Sans Chinese

Nimbus Sans Chinese font

Nimbus Roman Korean

Nimbus Roman Korean font

The Nimbus Roman Korean has been designed contemporarily and fittingly to the Latin Nimbus Sans. It includes two upright styles and the necessary OTF language features. Nimbus Sans Korean also covers the full Latin...

Nimbus Roman Japanese

Nimbus Roman Japanese font

Nimbus Roman Chinese

Nimbus Roman Chinese font

Nimbus Sans ME

Nimbus Sans ME font

Nimbus Sans ME is the expansion within the Nimbus Sans family for the Middle East range: Arabic (incl. Farsi) and Hebrew. Volker Schnebel has designed both scripts, which each include five upright and five...

URW Maru Gothic

URW Maru Gothic font

URW Heisei Mincho

URW Heisei Mincho font

URW Heisei Gothic

URW Heisei Gothic font

URW Gothic Japanese

URW Gothic Japanese font