font_foundry: URW Type Foundry

Filo Pro

Filo Pro font

Filo Pro is a very beautiful and highly legible typeface family as regular, medium and bold. It is a quite characteristic, modern interpretation of the humanistic serif. The serifs of Filo Pro are not...

Raldo RE

Raldo RE font

Quite unusual, Musenberg started his Raldo design with the italic. However, he managed to preserve the temperament and vividness of the italic in the roman without questioning the stability of the individual characters. Raldo...


Gordon font

Justus Pro

Justus Pro font

Justus Pro is a modern Egyptienne with a humanistic touch. It avoids the slightly rustic character of older Egyptienne designs and, despite its distinctive forms, develops a high level of elegance and readability.

Fou Pro

Fou Pro font

The Fou typeface family was designed as an alternative to Trade Gothic condensed bold. During the design process of a normally wide font variant a system developed that responds to white space and changing...

Craw Modern

Craw Modern font


Jazmo font

Jazmo is an offspring of an assignment I did for a Dutch architect. A classic building and coincidently the place of my studio in my hometown Zwolle, Netherlands, needed to be renovated. My job...


Barack font

Smooth Buggaloo

Smooth Buggaloo font

Just like my previous typefaces, my new one, Smooth Buggaloo, also finds its roots in music. The Boogaloo was a popular music style in the 60s, a mixture of Latin and Rock and Roll...