font_shop: MyFonts

Josefa Rounded Pro

Josefa Rounded Pro font

A sans serif without rough edgesJosefa Rounded is a beautiful text typeface. It’s unostentatious forms and balanced narrow proportions along with the softened round edges make it to appear gentle and pleasing even in...

De Fonte Plus

De Fonte Plus font

A variation of ”Helvetica according to the blur principle.“The underlying typeface is ”Helvetica“, the only true ”run-of-the-mill“ typeface of the twentieth century. The distortion principle used simulates the photographic effect of halation and/or…

Marleen Script

Marleen Script font

An authentic style of feminine handwriting with a pencilWho still writes by hand? And who still writes nicely? What constitutes beautiful handwriting anyway?In Marleen Script nearly 100 stylistic alternates for individual letters and more...

Wendelin Pro

Wendelin Pro font

A traditional sans serif — with that certain something — very legibleslanted stems of Ml with a slightly flared “foot”slightly bowed stems similar to serifs on the lower case charactersslanted endings in upright fonts...

Lech Sans Pro

Lech Sans Pro font

A modern sans serif – large x-height, lively formsThe Lech Sans Pro is businesslike-modern but at the same time present the effect of liveliness and movement.The shapes of the individual characters follow the “humanistic”...

Palmona Plus

Palmona Plus font

A rustic black letter from the 1930ies — with stylistic alternates.The high degree of abstraction of this typeface allows it to appear modern, even though its shapes clearly show an origin from Fraktur and...

Charpentier Classicistique Pro

Charpentier Classicistique Pro font

An unconventional classicistic Roman typefaceThis Roman typeface has a livelier effect than is typical of the epoch of classicistic style. In the lower case letters, an echo of the smoother forms of historically early...

ÉconoSans Pro

ÉconoSans Pro font

The most space-saving sans serifThis font saves more space than any of its kind! Slim proportions, but not “condensed”
Characters which nearly touch
Sparse ascenders and descenders
Distinct formsHow close to each other can the characters of...

Charpentier Renaissance Pro

Charpentier Renaissance Pro font

A very legible Renaissance AntiquaThis typeface is based on the desire to create an Antiqua like those which might have existed at the beginning of the »printing age« — the basic form oriented on...

Charpentier Sans Pro

Charpentier Sans Pro font

A humanistic sans serifThe first version of this font was created in 1994 within the framework of the bid placed by the city of Graz to become the location for the Winter Olympics in...