font_shop: MyFonts

LeDrôle Lettering Pro

LeDrôle Lettering Pro font

The Comic-Script by ingoFontsIn the past cartoons used to be lettered by hand. Hardly anyone does this today. The reason is, because hardly anyone has nice handwriting these days, so there are practical advantages...

Maiers Nr 42 Pro

Maiers Nr 42 Pro font

A handwritten decorative font with brush characteristicsThis attractive decorative script is found in a pamphlet of script samples from around 1900 which was issued by Otto Maier publishing house in Ravensburg/Germany. The forms and...


Auxerre font

A Roman typeface with emphasized triangular serifs.A font like this one could have been designed in 18th century France.To some extent, Auxerre is a precursor of “Etienne,” which later became popular as an advertising...

Boule Plus

Boule Plus font

CAPITALIZED, geometric, bold and round.If the typo­grapher sees a font like that, it’s enough to make his toes curl. But sometimes it just has to be that way.Geometrically constructed fonts do not necessarily have...

Chiq Pro

Chiq Pro font

A modern sans serif — very matter-of-fact, reminds you of Apple’s Mac OS9, only betterAs the name implies, the ingoFont Chiq reflects back on a well-known system font from Apple. With the revision and...

Banknote 1948

Banknote 1948 font

A very expanded sans serif font in capital letters inspired by the inscription on a bank noteOld bank notes tend to have a very typical typography. Usually they carry decorative and elaborately designed markings....

DeBorstel Brush Pro

DeBorstel Brush Pro font

A personalized cursive written with the pointed brushThe strange name of this font means nothing other than ”brush,“ but only the Dutch understand it. The typeface is spirited, amusing and flashy. I made the...


DeDisplay font

A type designed in a grid, like on display panelsType is not only printed. There were always and still are a number of forms of type versions which function completely differently. Even very early...

Diesel Rudolf

Diesel Rudolf font

Write like the inventor of the diesel engine — it’s possible with the Diesel Rudolf Script (patterned after the original handwriting of Rudolf Diesel)…In 2008 the city of Augsburg and the MAN Group celebrated...


DeForme font

A deconstructive variation of ”Clarendon“DéFormé was born out of the distortion of the time-honored ”Clarendon“ letterforms, in which the stems and thin strokes have been reversed. Thus, a typeface was created which will remind...