font_shop: MyFonts

Hand Writing of Janina

Hand Writing of Janina font

The typeface Hand Writing of Janina is designed from 2021 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Janina Fels & Manuel Viergutz.The cha­rac­ter of the hand­written script type­face is rough, ruggend and raw....

Wood Sans

Wood Sans font

The typeface Wood Sans is designed from 2021 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz.The display typeface is a digital version of original wood letters from a german flea market find.8...

Eco Hand Kid

Eco Hand Kid font

The typeface Eco Hand Kid is designed from 2022 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz as a political statement #climatejustice4 font-styles (Cond, Bold, Outline, Icons) with 948 glyphs (Adobe Latin...

Anti Atom Font

Anti Atom Font font

The typeface Anti Atom is designed from 2021 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz as a political statement #antiatom #atomkraftneindankeThe display font based on the original Anti Atom Sonne from...

Coffee Beans Time

Coffee Beans Time font

The typeface Coffee Beans Time is designed from 2018–2022 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz and Annelena Grascht as a graphic design and photography project.The display font based on the...

Rough Stamp Times

Rough Stamp Times font

The typeface Rough Stamp Times is designed from 2016–2022 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz.The display font based on the original rubber stamps from flea market. The font started from...

Wood Type DIY

Wood Type DIY font

The typeface Wood Type DIY is designed from 2016–2022 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz.The display font based on the original wood letter from flea market. The font started from...

NO culture no SOUL

NO culture no SOUL font

The typeface No Culture No Soul is designed from 2021–2022 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Luise Herke × Manuel Viergutz as a project for support the culture. Special THX to Michael...

Hand Of Evouli

Hand Of Evouli font

The typeface Hand Of Evouli is designed from 2022 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz.The display font based on the original Handwriting. Digitized via handwritten template. Thanks to Evouli.6 font-styles...



The typeface DIVERSiTY Font is designed from 2022 for the font foundry Typo Graphic Design by Manuel Viergutz as a political statement #diversity #♥︎1 font-styles (Mix) with 245 glyphs incl. decorative extras like icons,...