font_shop: MyFonts

Boarding House

Boarding House font

I have never stayed at a boarding house myself, but I’ve heard some horror stories. When I have finished painting the three fonts (using Chinese ink and a small brush), I didn’t have to...

Carrot Juice

Carrot Juice font

I like Carrot Juice a lot. I don’t drink it that often (and I should, really), but nothing beats a freshly squeezed glass of cold carrot juice!! Carrot Juice font is a lovely script...


Combustible font

Combustible is a hot, handwritten script font. I don’t really know why I named it Combustible – maybe because I scribbled this one down with near frozen hands. Combustible was made with a medium...


Brushzilla font

Brushzilla is a handmade brush font with a bite: it feeds off the creative energy from the depths of your mind and transforms it into something outstanding. Work with it, not against it. Ride...


Aiguille font

An “Aiguille” is a sharp pinnacle of rock in a mountain range. Aiguille font is a beautiful handwritten connected script font. I thought it was a good way to start off the new year!...


Betula font

Betula is the scientific name for Birch – I probably don’t have to explain that birches are my favourite trees! They always look like the ghosts of the forest with their papery white bark...


Concertina font

A concertina is a kind of musical instrument, not unlike an accordeon. I just liked the name; I have to admit I’m not a particular fan of accordeon music… Concertina is a beautiful handmade...


Ambleside font

Ambleside is a town in the English Lake District. I used to live and work there, so I decided to name a font after it. Ambleside font is a handmade connected script font. It’s...

Crocodile Feet

Crocodile Feet font

I had a Neneh Cherry song in my head when I made this font. In ‘Buffalo Stance’ she sings about a gigolo with his hands in his pockets and his crocodile feet. I liked...


Bronwen font

In Welsh mythology, Bronwen was the daughter of Llyr, the god of the sea. It is a popular girls name in Wales and it apparently means “white breast” or “pure heart”. I really like...