font_shop: MyFonts


Cykelsmed font

A cykelsmed in Danish is a bicycle repair man. This quirky font was more or less based on an older font of mine called Pinkus. It is a jumpy, happy book cover font and...

Crowd Funded

Crowd Funded font

Crowd Funded fonts wasn’t really crowd funded… In fact, all of the funding came from me, as I had to buy paper and a new pen to get this font going! Crowd Funded is...

Coconut Punch

Coconut Punch font

Health Warning! Coconuts are not that healthy!! I always thought that coconuts were the new quinoa, but apparently they’re not that good for you. They are furry balls of saturated fat, sugar and calories,...

Camping Holiday

Camping Holiday font

My family and I are off to England for a camping holiday this summer. I have booked some small, basic campsites which are close to nature. The kids love to camp, especially since we...

After Nightfall

After Nightfall font

After Nightfall is a handmade fairytale font. It was called Bunting Nook first (after a spooky story of a black dog that haunts a town in Britain), but I figured it was a bit...

Darkness Rising

Darkness Rising font

I was in a bit of a gloomy mood just before I created this font. I had no inspiration whatsoever (which always affects me in a bad way). I was trying to create a...

Black Cluster

Black Cluster font

First things first: I am really not a Star Trek fan. I did come up with this name, which I thought had a good ring to it. When I checked whether the name was...


Bladesmith font

I have always had a keen interest in forging; I used to be a silversmith, and I love working with metal. Some time ago I forged my first axe (a skeggøx or bearded axe),...


Bitterbrush font

I needed a name with ‘brush’ in it and most have already been taken, so I did a little digging and found out that Purshia tridentata, a flowering plant native to the mountainous areas...


Caerphilly font

I really like Wales; I like the culture, the people and the language. I also like the Welsh legends, especially the ones about King Arthur and Merlin. I am reading a book about Arthur...