font_shop: MyFonts

Imperial Tea

Imperial Tea font

I am a coffee person, but two years ago, just before the whole Covid-thing happened, I came down with what I assumed to be the flu. It was a really nasty flu as well:...

Sunshine Delivery

Sunshine Delivery font

After a long period of wind, rain and cold, summer has finally arrived. It almost felt as if the sunny weather came as a special delivery!Sunshine Delivery is a handmade display font. It comes...

Seasonal Drift

Seasonal Drift font

Seasonal Drift is a brush font that I made using one of my father in law’s Chinese brushes and ink. For some reason this font reminded me of the ocean, like waves and currents...


Rotulo font

Rotulo is a contrasted sans family which combines the Thick & Thin signpainter’s style and some 70s feeling in a huge font family with 90 styles.A visit to an exhibition of Spanish movie posters...

Schotis Display

Schotis Display font

If you need a typeface suitable for the most elegant and hard work, you will fall in love with Schotis family, your true Scotch Roman style workhorse. Schotis Text is designed for perfect reading...

Rotulo Variable

Rotulo Variable font

Rotulo Variable is a contrasted sans family which combines the Thick & Thin signpainter’s style and some 70s feeling in a huge font family with three axis: Width, Weight and Slant.A visit to an...


Empira font

Empira is a new high-contrasted face. While its principal structure shows some reference to transitional faces, the pronounced graphic shape of its elements are definitely of contemporary origin. It appears crisp, sharp and even...

Orgon Plan

Orgon Plan font

Orgon Plan is the square-cut sister of the Orgon. It represents the crispy counterpart to the sucsessfull Orgon family and was published in 2020.Orgon Plan consists of 20 styles and is well equipped for...


Galvani font

Galvani offers a new geometric Sans Serif with humanistic displays. With its straight lines and rectangular shapes, and its clean and coolish appearance, Galvani unites some of the principal sans design features of the...


Capricho font

Capricho is a warm, comfy, and pleasantly readable typeface. It unites the virtues of a 17th century transitional typeface with its own distinctive and individual flavour.Its large descenders and ascenders make for a distinguished...