font_shop: MyFonts

Mencken Std

Mencken Std font

An American Scotch remixed in 27 fonts Mencken has twenty seven styles, divided into three widths, three optical sizes, romans and italics. Generally, optical size typeface families belong to a same common construction. It falls...

Basco Std

Basco Std font

A mix of Renaissance & tropical atmosphereBasco is an exploration of the Renaissance style, a period in which letterforms were informed primarily by hand writing. It is clearly a contemporary interpretation of calligraphic shapes...

Ysans Std

Ysans Std font

Fashion style meets typography in 9 stylesThe Ysans designed by Jean François Porchez is a sanserif influenced by Cassandre lettering pieces and the geometric sanserif style from the inter-war period. Since Chanel logo, the...

Geneo Std

Geneo Std font

A robust oldstyle, an elegant slab, 8 stylesGeneo, created by Stéphane Elbaz, is a synthesis of historic and present-day visions of typography, a slab serif constructed on an oblique axis. Its subtle contrast evokes...

AWConqueror Sans

AWConqueror Sans font

Geometric & ornamented display sans serifThe AW Conqueror Sans typeface draws inspiration from those in vogue in Europe between World Wars I and II. With its geometric lines it evokes the spirits of both...


Postulat font

Postulat is a contemporary slab serif typeface. The family contains 16 fonts: 8 romans with matching italics, from Hairline to Bold. The character set include contains more than 600 glyphs which support most Latin...


Titul font

Titul is a display typeface with strong historical connotations. It is based on a series of stylish lettering for book covers, designed by Russian graphic artist Alexander Leo in the 1920s. The historical reference...


Hyperon font

Hyperon is a text typeface, which is especially useful for math and physics literature. Its nature is defined by austere and humanist features that show the most in italic. The typeface includes weights from...


Vast font

Vast is a variable sans serif with a range of styles from thin to black and from normal to extra wide. This versatile font family of both of a serious and friendly nature can...

Adonis New

Adonis New font

Adonis New is a considerate update of the Adonis serif. This dense serif with smooth lines has new, bolder styles, and it supports Greek now. In addition, Natalia Vasilyeva reworked the main styles and...