font_shop: MyFonts


Canapa font

Canapa it a simple humanistic sans serif font family. Canapa’s 10 styles are good for friendly oriented package design layouts. Try!


Epos font

All-cap titling typeface, Epos, comes in three widths and includes a range of decorative ligs & alts – as well as both Latin & Cyrillic scripts. It reminds of hand-lettered book covers from the...

Egypt Rose

Egypt Rose font

Slab Serif fonts are also sometimes referred to as ‘Egyptian’, hence the Egypt in the name. This lovely and complex font is based on old woodcut fonts. The upper case only font is brilliant...


Cobbler font

Cobbler is a friendly type family in six weights. With proportions of geometric type, Cobbler is a contemporary sans on the inside and an ultra soft display typeface on the outside. Not a single...

Cobbler Sans

Cobbler Sans font

Cobbler Sans is a friendly type family in six weights and the humble cousin to Cobbler. With its rounded aspect and proportions of geometric type Cobbler Sans is expressively soft and contemporary. All terminals...


Patrima font

Patrima is a contemporary typeface with roots in the past. Specifically in the late nineteen hundreds where decorative type applications were en vogue and dimensional aspects and shadings where heavily used. Patrima takes simplified...

Frontage Condensed

Frontage Condensed font

Frontage Condensed is a layered type system inspired by eye-catching and colorful facade signage. Its main aspect is — like many typographic installations on storefronts — three dimensional. The narrow, generously spaced letterforms lend...


Laberintia font

“And she, Pasiphae, gave birth to Asterion, who was also known by the name of Minotaur, since he had the face of a bull and the rest of a man. Minos wanted to beware...


Geometrica font

Behance presentation Geometrica is a low contrast rounded geometric Sans with a mid 19th/early 20th century simplicity air yet modern and minimalist. The font was inspired by the idea of creating a…


LeBrush font

“LeBrush” is a contemporary Roman typeface based on real brush lettering, in 10 styles from Thin to ExtraDark, inspired on the classic Roman proportion of the “Capitalis Monumentalis” present into the Trajan Column and...