font_shop: MyFonts

Senpai Coder

Senpai Coder font

Senpai Coder is a family of typewrighter-style monospaced font for developing, programming, coding, and table layout.Some desirable features in monospaced fonts are listed below.1.Easy to distinguish2.Easy to identify3.Easy to readSenpai Coder has…


Madromit font

Madromit(ma-do-ro-mi) is a somewhat nostalgic display font.Do you remember computer advertisements in the 80s and 90s? Yes, it is the most excited period in the history of computer.We call the design in this period...


Poipoi font

Extraordinary impact and visual conspicuousness.Poipoi is a super 3D sans family for posters, logos and all display.The basic idea is not a brand new. The Stacking type system has been used since before wood...

Between The Lines BF

Between The Lines BF font

The famous Catalan architect, Antoni Gaudí, used to say “there are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature…”However, with Between The Lines that’s exactly what you’ll find: straight lines, parallel and perpendicular, all...

Filmstrip BF

Filmstrip BF font

Imagine words and letters, all caps, cut out of 35mm film. Then imagine Filmstrip BF —a font of film and movie-related catchphrases.They’re all ordered in more or less alphabetical order as seen in a...

Heavenly Bodies

Heavenly Bodies font

All 6 fonts use the characters A – K and a – k to show two planets/stars/moons moving across each other. Nice and simple. There’s a different number of points on the stars, or...


Slonk font

Slonk is a distinctive ornamental font, a sans serif face with circular dots at strategic points within the characters. It has 4 weights: Regular, Bold, Heavy and Fat, with italics, and all the OpenType...


Stripated font

Stripated is an informal funky font mainly for distinctive headlines and posters, or similar display work. There’s still all the features you’d expect like Class Kerning and accented characters, ligatures for ffi, ffl and...

Guitar Chords

Guitar Chords font

Here’s two easy-to-use fonts that allow you to quickly put in any chord shape you want, even ones you invent yourself. You can do this for anything from 2 to 8-stringed instruments, not just...


Rebista font

Rebista is an All-Caps sans-serif font with 7 weights, with an emphasis on vertical and horizontal lines and de-emphasis on curves. It has a slightly condensed and upright aspect. Depending on the context it...