font_shop: MyFonts

Frozen Memory

Frozen Memory font

Frozen Memory is a heavy-boned cartoon display font. Even though it was completely made by hand (using a roller ball pen and some quality paper), it has a clean look, crisp lines and generous...


Framboisier font

Framboisier means ‘Rasberry Bush’ in French. Even though it’s early spring, I already spotted raspberries at the greengrocers, so I figured a nice raspberry-related name would suit this font just fine. Framboisier is a...

Gallows Hill

Gallows Hill font

I am creating new fonts for my Halloween collection and Gallows Hill is the latest one. It was made using a cheap brush, gouache mixed with Chinese ink and paper. The result is a...

Funky Flamingo

Funky Flamingo font

I really can’t tell you why I called this font Funky Flamingo. Normally I name fonts after something I see or do, but I don’t have a special thing for flamingoes, nor do I...

Genki Desu

Genki Desu font

Genki Desu is one of those Japanese expressions that are used a lot and don’t really mean what you think they mean. You can use it as a greeting: O Genki Desu Ka? (お元気ですか...

Garden Gnome

Garden Gnome font

I am not really fond of Garden Gnomes, but this font is kinda cute and I figured it’d be a nice name. Garden Gnome is a very happy, easy to read Children’s Book font....

Garden Bed

Garden Bed font

A couple of weeks ago, I found my ink well, which I thought I had lost. I decided (there and then) to create a bunch of inky brush fonts, which resulted in Dirrrty and...


Gamboge font

Gamboge is a deep saffron to mustard yellow pigment which is extracted from a tree. Its name comes from gambogium, the latin word for the pigment. Gambogia font is a beautiful all caps typeface...


Gingerline font

I love learning new words. I stumbled upon the term Gingerline after I named an older font Gamboge. Like Gamboge, Gingerline is a name for a shade of orange – the color of ripe...

Getaway Car

Getaway Car font

When I am working on a new font, I usually play some music, or have a song in my head. When I was working on this font, an Audioslave song called Getaway Car was...