font_shop: MyFonts

Mule Train JNL

Mule Train JNL font

Instead of being directly based on classic wood or metal type examples, Mule Train JNL takes a roundabout route in its development. Images of a set of letters and numbers cut from plywood (which...

Cover Letter JNL

Cover Letter JNL font

The handmade title on the cover for the 1939 edition of “A Wand’ring Minstrel” [from Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Mikado”] was rendered with a round nib lettering pen in an Art Deco style. This...

Import Stencil JNL

Import Stencil JNL font

Dollar Tree Stores imports a number of items from China, and many times these are limited-run products only available until the existing supplies run out. One such item was a sans serif stencil lettering...

Good Sport JNL

Good Sport JNL font

Good Sport JNL has nothing to do with any of the major sports activities such as baseball, football, basketball or soccer. Instead, the typeface gets its name from the sport of camping, as the...

North End Stencil JNL

North End Stencil JNL font

An image of a vintage British lettering stencil set [probably circa 1960s] spotted in an online auction inspired North End Stencil JNL. The original lettering was a hybrid of both stencil and solid letter...

Nouveau Years JNL

Nouveau Years JNL font

Sheet music at the beginning of the 20th Century reflects both the musical and artistic tastes of the times in often colorful ways. It seemed to be a favorite thing amongst songwriters of that...

Nouveau Song JNL

Nouveau Song JNL font

The Art Nouveau free-form, hand lettered title on the cover of the 1912 sheet music for Irving Berlin’s “Wait Until Your Daddy Comes Home” formed the basis for Nouveau Song JNL, which is available...

Casemark Stencil JNL

Casemark Stencil JNL font

Casemark Stencil JNL is a bold sans serif design modeled after an image of a hand made antique shipping stencil used by the Bridgeport Brass Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut. The type design is available...

Garment Bag Stencil JNL

Garment Bag Stencil JNL font

Searching the internet for interesting type ideas leads one to many unusual items for sale online. An antique, hand-cut metal stencil from France with the word “Bagagens” [luggage] provided a condensed Art Deco design...

Opz Popz JNL

Opz Popz JNL font

Opz Popz JNL is a collection of fifty-two designs based on geometric designs and pop art (reminiscent of the 1960s). These images are perfect embellishments for retro-themed work projects.