font_shop: MyFonts

Chunky Nouveau JNL

Chunky Nouveau JNL font

Chunky Nouveau JNL was inspired by a circa-1928 water applied decal for the Top Most Insulated Jug. The plump, rounded hand lettering of the brand name was given a slightly thicker treatment to create...

Bandshell JNL

Bandshell JNL font

Anyone old enough to remember either the radio or television version of “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet” pictures Ozzie Nelson as the easygoing father figure who never seemed to have a real job...

Merrymakers JNL

Merrymakers JNL font

A throwback design reminiscent of 1950s signage and print ads, Merrymakers JNL takes a previous release (Bluesman JNL) and places the letters and numbers inside parallelograms with ‘TV screen’ openings. Merrymakers JNL is available...

Midwest Railway JNL

Midwest Railway JNL font

An antique, hand-cut metal stencil for the Chicago-Burlington rail route stating “CB&Q RR – Private Property” inspired the sans serif stencil design Midwest Railway JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.

Deco Revisited JNL

Deco Revisited JNL font

Inspired by a retro Art Deco poster as well as many of the true classic Art Deco type designs of the 1930s and 1940s, Deco Revisited JNL is a bold, black, stencil-influenced design with...

Mimeograph Lettering JNL

Mimeograph Lettering JNL font

Mimeograph Lettering JNL is based on one of the numerous plastic lettering templates once manufactured by the A.B. Dick Company of Chicago and is available in both regular and oblique versions. The mimeograph utilized...

National Nouveau JNL

National Nouveau JNL font

The hand lettered title on the cover for the (ca. 1917) sheet music for “After the War is Over” provided the design inspiration for National Nouveau JNL, which is available in both regular and...

Flocking Stencil JNL

Flocking Stencil JNL font

Vintage packaging for Frosty Stencil Flock contained the hand lettered term “spray flock” which served as the basis for Flocking Stencil JNL; available in both regular and oblique versions. Commonly referred to as “Spray...

Casually Nouveau JNL

Casually Nouveau JNL font

The 1930 sheet music for “A Peach of a Pair” from Paramount Pictures’ “Follow Through” listed the stars and production credits in a wonderfully casual, free-form Art Nouveau hand lettering. This has been recreated...

Nouveau Spurred JNL

Nouveau Spurred  JNL font

The hand lettered title on the 1915 sheet music for “On the Banks of the Amazon” was the design model for Nouveau Spurred JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions. This...