font_shop: MyFonts


Rakia font

Why not take a giant leap back to the 1970s? Rakia is a science-fiction inspired font, with classic overtones of the 70s. Alternatively, it is a 1970s font with scoff overtones. Take your pick!...


Rainier font

I was inspired to create the Rainier type family during my summer back home in the Pacific Northwest. The concept behind it may be simple – a hand crafted font family – but what...


Ravioli font

Ravioli combines fun fonts that will easily turn any design idea into a stand out! Fall in love with this adorable and versatile font family!

Reality Check

Reality Check font

Reality Check is a family of two display fonts (plus their Italics). These fonts can be used together in a design, but work just as fine on their own. Reality Check comes with an...

Reluctant Aviator

Reluctant Aviator font

I read something interesting the other day: in 1910 a cat called Kiddo snuck on board an airship and was found by aeronaut Walter Wellman – after he had already taken off in an...


Rever font

Rever is an experimental typeface by a young designer Sasha Smirnov. It clearly alludes to 19th century typefaces with reverse contrast, but still the character shapes are as simple and geometric as possible. Rever...

Rover Pro

Rover Pro font

Rover Pro is a hand painted font family that comes in 5 styles: Regular, Bold, Bold Shadow, Bold Rough and Extra. It was designed with retail in mind, but is also perfectly suited for...


Sabbatical font

Sabbatical is a no nonsense brush font family with lots of character. The family contains 3 hand-lettered fonts, Regular, Bold and Basic. This dry textured script font is inspired by travel journals written by...


Salinas font

Salinas imitates a friendly and warm handwritten typeface. Its particular feeling is achieved thanks to several character variations, which can automatically alternate between three different (and complete) sets of characters, giving the font the…


Salud font

Salud is hand-drawn typeface based on light and bold slab serif. It has 8 font styles and supports extended latin. It may be used in presentation for a big company or in flyers for...