In 1962, the late Robert Libauer of the Stenso Lettering Company (of Baltimore, MD) revised two of his popular stencil lettering guides to offers users two choices: “traditional” stencil letters and numbers and “solid”...
Template Basic JNL was inspired by a simple sans serif lettering template used in the days of ink and technical pen renderings, and is available in both regular and oblique versions.
Type Tiles JNL is based on a ‘completed’ version of ‘Alpha-Blox’ by American Type Founders, circa 1944. The capitals, lower case and numerals shown in the sample sheet put out by ATF depicted type...
Business Lunch JNL is an extra bold hairline serif font based on Monotype’s Falstaff, which in turn was greatly influenced by Bodoni Extra Bold.Great for posters, menu headers and other forms of headlining, Business...
Modeled from an example in the book “Lettering” by Harry B. Wright (1950), the poster alphabet shown was reminiscent of the kind of style used in the early 1900s by sign painters and show...
Deco Signage JNL was inspired by the cast metal letters of a German wall sign “Kaspar Stanggasinger-Haus” in an online display of European signage photography – and is available in both regular and oblique...
An online photo gallery showcased a number of vintage and unique signs around Europe – mostly from Germany. One particular sign (“1818-Hoofdkant Spaarbank-1921”) was formed in metal and with stencil letters of a distinctive...
Spotted amongst the online page scans from a vintage lettering book, the typeface originally called “Didot Moderne” served as the basis for Dual Line Roman JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique...
Within the pages of “The Essentials of Lettering” by Thomas E. French and Robert Meiklejohn (circa 1912) is an example for creating a sans serif alphabet and numerals. The lesson plate is entitled “Upright...
From the same page of a vintage German lettering textbook entitled “50 Alphabete fur Technikur und Fachschulen” (loosely translated to “50 Alphabets for Technicians and Specialized Schools”) that inspired Trippy Hippy JNL comes Eleckatrical...