font_shop: MyFonts

SF Tobba

SF Tobba font

Tobba is an Arabic typeface for desktop applications, for websites,designed for Newspapers, magazines and cover titles. Tobba font family is Modern style and contains 3 weights: Regular, bold and black. The font includes support...

SF Sultan

SF Sultan font

Sultan is An Arabic typeface for desktop applications ,for websites. Sultan font family is from Naskh style and contains 4 weights: Regular, Medium, bold and black. The font includes support for Arabic, Persian, and...

SF Saggar

SF Saggar font

SF Saggar is an Arabic typeface for Print and screen. Inspired by an alphabet written by the calligrapher and artist Mohamed Said Al-Saggar 40 years ago to simplify Arabic printing. Saggar is from Naskh...

SF Pastel

SF Pastel font

About Pastel font family: Pastel font is a simplified Arabic digital Ruqah font, which adopts horizontal formatting characters, The font is available in two styles: Pastel Regular and Pastel Bold. The difference between the...

SF Old South Arabian

SF Old South Arabian font

Historical Background Old South Arabian Script (OSA) was used before the Islamic era not only in the southwest corner of the Arabian Peninsula, but actually in the entire Peninsula. In addition, samples of OSA...

SF Nizar

SF Nizar font

In July 2014, using my light pen, I completed the work in designing the font – Nizar, which was named in honor of the great poet Nizar Qabbani who inspired millions through poetry and...

SF Yazan

SF Yazan font

Yazan is a New Arabic display typeface for desktop applications, inspired by oriental kufi and Qairawani kufi . Designed and developed by Sultan M. Saeed, Yazan has updated proportions and details, and is distinguished...


Tarim font

Tarim is an active contemporary variable font, complete with a flexible range of cases tailored to responsive layouts designed by Sultan Maqtari.Tarim is serif style typeface for desktop applications, websites and digital apps. The...

Sultan Ruqah

Sultan Ruqah font

Sultan Ruqah is a attracting font, Designed by Sultan Maqtari. This is one font of the Sultan Fonts families that supports a variety of scripts including Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Uthmani, and Kurdish. The Sultan...

Sultan Free Bold

Sultan Free Bold font

Sultan free is an Arabic text typeface for desktop applications. Sultan free is a freestyle script. It is available in One style, calligraphic, and very dynamic. This makes it suitable for large display sizes,...