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Eutaw Stencil JNL

Eutaw Stencil JNL font

A hand lettered emulation of a Roman stencil type face on the cover of the folio for the Stenso School Set was the basis for Eutaw Stencil JNL, which is available in both regular...

Fun Time Nouveau JNL

Fun Time Nouveau JNL font

“One Hundred Alphabets for the Show Card Writer” was published in 1919 to afford sign artists the ability to create signs and show cards in then-contemporary lettering styles.One such alphabet was big, bold and...

Tabloid Edition JNL

Tabloid Edition JNL font

The headline across the October 7, 1918 edition of the UK’s Daily Mail stated: “Germany Asks the Allies for Peace”. Set in extrabold sans serif lettering, it’s now available digitally as Tabloid Edition JNL...

Special Edition JNL

Special Edition JNL font

The Teapot Dome scandal was a 1920s bribery scandal involving Secretary of the Interior Albert Bacon Fall. Fall leased Navy petroleum reserves at Teapot Dome in Wyoming [along with some California reserves] at low...

Lancashire Stencil JNL

Lancashire Stencil JNL font

The Butterfly Brand [from the UK] manufactured some lettering stencils (circa the 1950s) with a distinctively British look and feel.These inspired Lancashire Stencil JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.

Nouveau Thin JNL

Nouveau Thin JNL font

A condensed, light face spurred serif alphabet was shown on an antique catalog page from Spon & Chamberlain Publishers as “French”. The catalog likely sold tools and dies to stonecutters for making inscriptions in...

Shutterbug JNL

Shutterbug JNL font

On April 20, 1950, film comedian Jerry Lewis indulged his love of cameras by opening up Jerry Lewis’ Camera Exchange on Vine Street in Hollywood. It closed in 1951.Thanks to an image preserved within...

Newspaper Publisher JNL

Newspaper Publisher JNL font

The Logansport, Indiana Pharos-Observer dated June 12, 1917 had the following headline running across its front page: “American Steamer Sunk by German U Boat”.The condensed slab serif typeface used to set that headline has...

Old Brass Stencil JNL

Old Brass Stencil JNL font

An antique barrel lid stencil spotted in an online auction for a company once located in Guttenberg, NJ provided the hand-cut sans serif lettering which inspired Old Brass Stencil JNL; available in both regular...

Lettering Lesson JNL

Lettering Lesson JNL font

Lettering Lesson JNL is a bold serif alphabet found within the pages of the 1922 instructional booklet from the St. Louis Show Card School, and is available in both regular and oblique versions.