font_shop: MyFonts

Customs Agent JNL

Customs Agent JNL font

The hand lettered, condensed stencil title on a movie poster for the 1950 film “Customs Agent” inspired both the digital typeface and the font’s name. Customs Agent JNL is available in both regular and...

Passenger Train JNL

Passenger Train JNL font

A 1940s travel poster for the Florida East Coast Railway (which then carried passengers but is now a freight line) had the railroad’s name hand lettered in a bold Art Deco sans.This inspired Passenger...

Art Event JNL

Art Event JNL font

A 1930s WPA (Works Progress Administration) poster advertising an exhibit of New Jersey area posters had its main lettering rendered in a very condensed hand lettered interpretation of the ever-popular Futura Black Art Deco...

Air Circus JNL

Air Circus JNL font

A 1930s advertising poster for the Inman Brothers Flying Circus offered up an interesting hand lettered Art Deco design that’s a cross between both squared and rounded character shapes. Because of it’s ‘futuristic look’,...

Coffee Bar JNL

Coffee Bar JNL font

An image of the wide, Art Deco influenced lettering of a sign over a coffee bar inside a Jacksonville, Florida Lovett’s Supermarket (a predecessor to Winn-Dixie) inspired the namesake font Coffee Bar JNL –...

Cruise Director JNL

Cruise Director JNL font

The hand-lettered title on the poster for the 1933 musical comedy film “Melody Cruise” was rendered in an Art Deco thick-and-thin style with ‘engraving lines’ placed within the letters.

Dance Time JNL

Dance Time JNL font

The words “Benny Goodman & His Orchestra” on an appearance poster for the band from 1936 were rendered in a beautiful semi-script style of hand lettering.

Ink Nouveau JNL

Ink Nouveau JNL font

Ink Nouveau JNL is loosely based on the hand lettered title from a lobby card for the 1927 film “The Taxi Dancer” and is available in both regular and oblique versions. The design emulates...

Movie Show JNL

Movie Show JNL font

A 1911 movie poster for a film called “How Bella Was Won” from the Edison studios had the name “Edison” hand lettered in a bold, spurred sans serif design.These few letters became the basis...

Movie Set JNL

Movie Set JNL font

The hand lettered title on the poster for the 1929 film comedy “Why Leave Home?” inspired Movie Set JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.A classic “thick-and-thin” design with early Art...