font_shop: MyFonts


Brew font

Brew was created to give designers endless options in using a unique condensed style with a regular/solid, an outline and inline options to create display variations for branding, packaging and poster design.

Future Tense

Future Tense font

Future Tense is a modern type style that is perfect for logos, film, video games, packaging, signs, and more. Charles Borges de Oliveira & Vassil Kateliev’s attention to letter forms insures extreme legibility without...

Desire Lite

Desire Lite font

With over five years of design and development, Desire is a pursuit of epic proportions and ready to make a statement by adding elegance and unique flair to your next design project. Desire offers...

YWFT Wheatgrass

YWFT Wheatgrass font

​”Tall, organic and hand drawn” sounds like it might be a dating profile headline, and if that sounds good to you, you’re going to want to meet up with YWFT Wheatgrass, which fits that...

YWFT Wellsworth

YWFT Wellsworth font

YWFT Wellsworth is the lovechild of that wayward 70s Julia Script and a massive-shouldered fellow with a big black beard and a laugh that rolls like thunder. Formerly known as a handset only design,...

YWFT Watermelon

YWFT Watermelon font

Have you ever unwrapped your favorite candy in the world, only to have it fall straight to the ground? There’s no shame in picking it up and eating it while no one is looking...

YWFT Victoria

YWFT Victoria font

YWFT Victoria has the feel of a traditional serif face, yet defies many of these implications due to its hand drawn origins and uniquely inconsistent line weights. This unicase typeface includes all of the...

YWFT Valley

YWFT Valley font

YWFT Valley is a thin, lean and fashionable sans-serif, display font which takes the notion of ball and stick form quite literally. The pattern of dots plays between letters adding to the rhythmic pacing...

YWFT Ultramagnetic Rough

YWFT Ultramagnetic Rough font

We grabbed the soft-yet-gothic Ultramagnetic while it was totally unaware, dragged it into the alley out back, and roughed it up somethin’ fierce to create a tougher, edgier, and grittier version of one of...


YWFT S3 font

Quick, somebody call Erich von Däniken! YWFT S3 is a folktronic, arts-andcircuits, crocheted robotic masterpiece of the first order, with two weights (regular and alternate) and two pattern fonts, also at two weights (regular...