font_shop: MyFonts

FF Attribute Mono

FF Attribute Mono font

FF Attribute™ Mono is a monospaced design with an industrial strength, minimalist vibe, making it perfect for attention getting, theme-based headlines, posters, banners and navigational links. And, because it is such a robust family,...

FF Absara Headline

FF Absara Headline font

French type designer Xavier Dupré created this serif and slab FontFont in 2007. The family contains 4 weights: Regular, Medium, Bold, and Black and is ideally suited for editorial and publishing. FF Absara Headline...

FF Absara Sans Headline

FF Absara Sans Headline font

French type designer Xavier Dupré created this sans FontFont in 2007. The family has 6 weights, ranging from Thin to Black and is ideally suited for editorial and publishing projects. FF Absara Sans Headline...

FF Alega

FF Alega font

German type designer Siegfried Rückel created this display and sans FontFont in 2002. The family has 6 weights, ranging from Light to Bold (including italics) and is ideally suited for advertising and packaging, logo,...

FF Alega Serif

FF Alega Serif font

German type designer Siegfried Rückel created this display, serif, and slab FontFont in 2003. The family has 6 weights, ranging from Light to Bold (including italics) and is ideally suited for advertising and packaging,...

Nomada Sans

Nomada Sans font

The design of Nomada Sans is informed by the examination of several iconic sans serif typefaces, incorporating both lucidity and grace. The result is an entirely new and original typeface family infused with Latin...

Sabon Cyrillic

Sabon Cyrillic font

In the early 1960s, the German Master Printers’ Association requested that a new typeface be designed and produced in identical form on both Linotype and Monotype machines so that text and technical composition would...

Nomada Serif

Nomada Serif font

Nomada Serif has a very particular appearance. It combines the characteristics of different genres; most notably the upright stress of neo-baroque types with the reduced contrast of humanist serif faces. While its design is...

Trade Gothic Inline

Trade Gothic Inline font

Trade Gothic inline is a quirky display companion for Trade Gothic Next, offering five different voices, and a whole lot of personality. The lighter weights are graceful and elegant, embracing negative space to give...


Yakout font

Yakout is an Arabic text face that was developed by Linotype & Machinery in 1956 for hot-metal typesetting. Similar to the typewriter fonts created during this period, it utilises a limited range of letterforms...