font_shop: MyFonts

Soda Fountain JNL

Soda Fountain JNL font

In most cities during the 1950s and 1960s the corner pharmacy or soda shop was a mainstay of teenage life. It was a place to hang out with friends, hear the latest hits on...


Mamut font

Mamut is a display type family of three weights. It has elegant and distinctive letterforms with lots of character. Mamut is your chunky friend, perfect for designing headlines, logos, labels, lettering works, posters and...

Millbrae JNL

Millbrae JNL font

In the city of Millbrae (just South of San Francisco in San Mateo County, California) stands an office building which formerly housed the Millbrae Theater. California has the distinction of preserving artifacts of its...

Handbills And Posters JNL

Handbills And Posters JNL font

At first glance, Handbills and Posters JNL bears a strong resemblance to Classroom JNL. True, they both share the visual qualities that are based on Franklin Bold Condensed, but this is where the similarity...

Vintage Price Tags JNL

Vintage Price Tags JNL font

Vintage Price Tags JNL comprises three sets of numbers in both ribbon, circle and star patterns which, when combined will produce point-of-sale price elements. The designs were re-drawn from examples found in an old...

Piano Lesson JNL

Piano Lesson JNL font

Piano Lesson JNL comes from the hand lettered title on a 1940s-era piece of sheet music called “The Adult Explorer at the Piano”. The mix of both regular and irregular character shapes makes for...


Charterhouse font

A heavy obround sans with a high x-height and unusual lower-case spurs that flow up and into the bowl. This curve is mirrored in the ascenders. The alternates provide for closer, denser setting.

Wulf Utility

Wulf Utility font

Wulf Utility is a heavily degraded font that evokes information in a utilitarian manner without any pretence to elegance, fuss or refinement. Gruff and direct, it is about as basic as a font can...


Averta font

Bringing together features from early European grotesques and American gothics, Kostas Bartokas’ Averta (Greek: ‘αβέρτα’ – to act or speak openly, bluntly or without moderation, without hiding) is a new geometric sans serif family...


Frieda font

Frieda is a handwritten calligraphy script equipped with contextual alternates features and ligature variations for a customised look. Just add “+” before the letter or manually choose the character from Glyph Palette. Authentic, chic,...